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Updated: Jan 9 2022

Microbiology of Rashes

  • Bugs Causing Rashes
      • Bugs Causing Rashes
      • Bug
      • Disease
      • Rash
      • Progression
      • Other Symptoms
      • Streptococcus pyogenes 
      • Scarlet fever
      • Erythematous, sandpaper-like with numerous papules
      • Groin/axilla → trunk and extremities, sparing palms and soles
      • Rash is followed by desquamation
      • Fever
      • Sore throat
      • Nausea
      • Staphylococcus aureus 
      • Toxic Shock Syndrome
      • Sunburn-like (diffuse, erythematous, macular) with desquamation on palms and soles
      • Trunk and neck → extremities
      • High fever
      • Severe systemic illness
      • Rickettsia rickettsii
      • RMSF
      • Blanching, erythematous macules → Petechial
      • Wrists/ankles → trunk. Rash then appears in later stage disease on the palms and soles
      • Fever
      • Headache
      • Treponema pallidum
      • Secondary syphilis
      • Copper-colored maculopapular, including palms and soles
      • Diffuse
      • Condylomata lata
      • Alopecia (patchy)
      • Constitutional symptoms
      • Lymphadenopathy
      • Borrelia burgdorferi
      • Lyme disease
      • Erythema chronicum migrans (expanding target-shaped red rash)
      • Expanding circle
      • Flu-like symptoms
      • Coxsackievirus type A
      • Hand, foot, and mouth
      • Vesicular
      • Palms and soles only
      • Ulcers in mouth
      • Rubella virus
      • German measles (Rubella)
      • Maculopapular
      • Head → body
      • Lasts 3 days
      • Postauricular lymphadenopathy
      • Congenital rubella in fetus
      • Rubeola virus
      • Measles
      • Maculopapular
      • Head → entire body
      • Becomes confluent as it spreads downward
      • 3 C's
      • Koplik spots
      • Mumps virus
      • Mumps
      • None
      • None
      • Parotitis
      • Orchitis
      • VZV
      • Chickenpox
      • Asynchronous
      • Trunk → face/extremities
      • Fever
      • Pharyngitis
      • Malaise
      • HHV-6
      • Roseola infantum
      • Blanching, maculopapular, occurs after fever
      • Neck/trunk → face/extremities
      • High fever followed by rash (separatd temporally)
      • Affects infants
      • Parvovirus B19
      • Erythema infectiosum
      • "Slapped cheek"
      • Face → body
      • Hydrops fetalis in pregnant women
    • Other possible causes of palm and sole rash include:
      • Graft Versus Host Disease
      • Contact dermatitis
      • Endocarditis
      • Kawasaki's Disease
      • Rubella
      • Neisseria meningitidis (disseminated meningococcemia)
      • Parovirus B19 (papular-purpuric gloves and socks syndrome)
      • Scabies
      • Toxic Shock Syndrome
      • Stevens-Johnson syndrome and Toxic epidermal necrolysis
      • Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
      • Tinea corporis
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