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Updated: Jun 17 2018

Plasma Membrane

  • Overview
    • Structure
      • bilayer of phospholipids
      • asymmetrical in respect to intracellular and extracellular faces
      • "fluid mosaic"
      • composition
        • cholesterol
          • ~50%
          • adds thermal stability to membrane
            • i.e. ↑ melting temperature
          • ↓ membrane flexibility
          • amount in plasma membrane tightly regulated
        • phospholipids
          • ~50%
        • sphingolipids
          • fatty acid chain attached to a sphingosine
          • disorders of sphingolipid metabolism
            • Fabry's disease
            • Gaucher's disease
            • see Lysosome topic
        • glycolipids
        • proteins
          • pumps
            • move substances against their concentration gradient
            • requires energy
            • e.g. Na+-K+ ATPase
              • transmembrane pump
              • ATP binding-site accessible from cytoplasm
              • process
                • 3 Na+ bind pump intracellularly
                • ATP binds and phosphorylates the pump
                • pump changes conformation which releases 3 Na+ extracellularly
                • 2 K+ bind pump extracellularly
                • phosphate ion removed
                • pump changes conformation which releases 2 K+ intracellularly
                • 3 Na+ bind pump intracellularly (repeat)
                • net: each ATP results in 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in
              • pharmacological importance
                • cardiac glycosides (digoxin and digitoxin)
                  • mechanism of action
                    • inhibits pump
                    • depolarization of cell membrane
                    • ↑ intracellular [Na+]
                    • ↓ Na+ gradient required for Na+/Ca2+ exchange
                    • ↑ [Ca2+] intracellularly
                    • ↑ cardiac contractility
                • ouabain
                  • inhibits by binding to K+ site
                  • similar response to cardiac glycosides
          • channels
            • move substances down their concentration gradient
            • 3 types
              • ungated
                • always open
                • e.g. K+-channel
              • voltage-gated
                • open in response to changes in membrane voltage
                • e.g. found in excitable tissue
              • ligand-gated
                • open in response to a ligand
                • e.g. post-synaptic membrane receptors
  • Function
    • Function
      • selective permeability
        • controls an intracellular environment distinct from extracellular environment
      • signalling
      • localization of enzymes to promote or inhibit interaction
  • Membrane Physiology
    • Electrochemical potential
      • determined by
        • conductance (G)
          • ability of ions to move across a membrane
          • controlled by opening and closing channels
            • ↑ channels = ↑ conductance
        • net force
          • combination of
            • concentration force
              • concentration difference of a substance across a membrane
            • electrostatic force
              • attraction of unlike charges
              • repulsion of like charges
    • Equilibrium potential
      • defined as the electrical potential across a membrane that would prevent the diffusion of a substance via its concentration force for a given concentration difference across a membrane
      • measured in millivolts (mV)
      • for a single substance
        • calculated by
          • Nernst equation
            • Ex+ = 60/Z log( [X+]extracell / [X+]intracell )
              • Z = absolute value of ionic charge
                • K+, Cl-, Na+ = 1, Ca2+ = 2
              • Answers the question: what is the voltage that exists across a membrane when a certain ion is at its equilibrium
                • Another way of thinking of this: what is the voltage required so that there will be no net flow of a certain ion?
                • For example: -80 mV is the Nernst potential for potassium
                  • this means that if the inside of the cell was -80 mV, K+ would not leave or enter the cell
                  • The -80 mV of the cell pulling K+ in is equal to the concentration gradient that wants to pull K+ out (remember that K+ is low outside the cell and wants to travel down its ion gradient)
                  • If the voltage became -81 mV then K+ would want to travel into the cell as this negative charge would overpower the drive for K+ to travel down its concentration gradient out of the cell
                  • If the voltage was -79 mV then K+ would leave the cell as the concentration gradient pulling K+ out is greater than the negative voltage attracting/holding K+ in
      • does NOT determine rate of ionic diffusion → only whether diffusion is favorable
    • Resting membrane potential (Emem)
      • equilibrium potential of most cells = -90 mV
        • calculated by
          • sum of individual membrane potentials for all permeable ions proportional to their conductances
            • for ions X+, Y+, and Z-
              • Emem = Gx(Ex+) + Gy(Ey+) + Gz(Ez-)
          • note: the closer the resting membrane potential is to the equillibrium potential of an individual ion, the greater the membrane conductance is for that ion
            • when Emem = Ex+ , there is no net movement of ions and net force = 0
      • example
        • Emem = -77 mV
        • EK+ = -95 mV
        • is diffusion of K+ across this membrane favorable?
          • Yes, given open channels (G) to K+ it will diffuse until Emem = -95 mV
      • inside cells (as compared to extracellular environment)
        • ↑ K+
          • EK+ = -95 mV
          • G is high for K+→ changes in [K+]extracellular will have a large impact on Emem
            • hyper/hypokalemia very dangerous clinically
          • ↑ G will hyperpolarize cell
            • efflux from cell
        • ↓ Na+
          • ENa+ = +45 mV
          • G is low for Na+ → changes in [Na+]extracellular will NOT have a large impact on Emem
          • ↑ G will depolarize cell
            • influx into cell
        • ↓ Cl-
          • ECl- = -90 mV
          • since in most cells Emem = -90 mV → Cl- is at equilibrium and will not diffuse
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