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Updated: Oct 24 2022


  • Mechanism
    • Androgen receptor agonist
  • Indications
    • Hypogonadism
      • promotes development of male secondary sex characteristics
    • Anabolism
      • promote recovery after severe burn or injury
    • ER-positive breast cancer
      • ↑ testosterone has a negative feedback on LH/FSH leading to ↓ estrogen release
      • testosterone not administered directly
        • exemestane given which is an aromatase inhibitor
  • Toxicity
    • Masculinization in females
    • Testicular atrophy in males with
      • decreased gonadotropin-releasing hormone
      • decreased luteinizing hormone
      • decreased follicle-stimulating hormone
      • decreased sperm count
      • increased estrogen
    • Premature closure of epiphyseal plates in adolescents
    • Worsening of lipid profile
      • ↑ LDL, ↓ HDL
      • reason men typically have worse lipids than women
    • Hepatic adenoma
      • benign mass that can rupture
      • cause of sudden hypotension in a weightlifter (presumably abusing steroids)
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