Overview Pulmonary Physical Findings Disease Percussion Tactile fremitus Tracheal deviation Ascultation Consolidation (e.g. lobar pneumonia) Dullness Yes - + egophony (e to a) + whispered pectoriloquy Pleural effusion Dullness No - ↓ breath sounds over effusion Bronchial obstruction Dullness No Toward lesion ↓ breath sounds over affected area Pneumothorax Hyperresonant No Toward lesion (diaphram and trachea fill space left behind when lung collapses) ↓ breath sounds Tension pneumothorax Hyperresonant No Away from lesion (increased pressure pushes mediastinum to opposite side) ↓ breath sounds Emphysema Hyperresonant Reduced - ↓ breath sounds + wheezing Asthma Hyperresonant Reduced - ↓ breath sounds + wheezing Atelectasis Dullness No Towards the lesion +/- rales Chronic bronchitis - - - + rhonchi (low pitched) + wheezing