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  • Introduction
    • Overview
      • rates measure event frequencies in a defined population during a specific time period
      • rates are helpful in comparing event frequency in various places or times with varying population sizes
  • Mortality Rates
    • Crude mortality rate
      • describes the total number of deaths per years per 1,000 people
      • equation
        • number of deaths during a certain time interval/mid-interval population size
          • e.g., number of deaths in a year from January-January/population size on June 30th
    • Cause-specific mortality rate
      • describes the mortality rate caused by a certain disease or cause
        • e.g., aggressive malignancy
      • equation
        • number of deaths by a certain disease during a certain time interval/mid-interval population
  • Infectious Disease Rates
    • Attack rate
      • a type of incidence measure that is usually used in outbreak epidemiology
        • e.g., gastrointestinal infection in patients caused by contaminated food
      • equation
        • number of patients with the disease during a certain time interval/total population at risk during that interval
    • Case-fatality rate
      • equation
        • number of deaths by a certain disease during a certain time interval/total population affected by the disease during that interval
  • Reproductive Rates
    • Crude birth rate
      • equation
        • number of live births/total populations size
    • Maternal mortality rate
      • equation
        • number of maternal deaths during a certain time interval/number of live births during that interval
    • Neonatal mortality rate
      • equation
        • number of deaths of children < 28 days old during a certain time interval/number of live births during the same time interval
    • Infant mortality rate
      • equation
        • number of deaths among children < 1 year of age during a certain interval/number of live births during that interval
        • similarly, can calculate under 5 mortality rate as well
  • Rate Standardization
    • Rate standardization involves adjusting rates to allow for a comparison of frequency in populations with differing characteristics that may confound the results
      • e.g., if disease X is more common in older people and population A has a higher proportion of older folks in their population, without adjustment to account for these age differences, it may appear that individuals in population A are at higher risk of a disease when in fact a population-level factor (age structure) is confounding the risk association
    • Age is most commonly adjusted for
    • Two main methods of standardization
      • direct
        • calculate expected rates of deaths (or disease cases) in studied population if it had a standarized structure with regards to the variable to be adjusted for
          • compare to crude rate or other standardized rate
          • asks, "how would mortality rates compare in 2 populations if their age distributions were identical?"
        • first use a "standard" population structure
          • can be chosen arbitrarily
          • e.g., proportions of U.S. population in each age groups
        • multiply each strata of the population (e.g., age groups) by specific rates observed for those strata in each population under study to get the expected cases
        • add up all strata of expected cases and divide the total expected cases by the standard population total to get standardized rates
      • indirect
        • calculate expected number of deaths (or disease cases) in studied populations using standard population rates
          • compare to number of actual deaths (standardized mortality ratio) or to expected number in comparison population
          • asks, "how many deaths would be expected in a study population if that population had the same mortality rates as a standard population?"
        • first choose a "standard population" with variable-specific rates (e.g., rates of death in various age groups)
        • multiply number of people in each variable group in the study population by the standardized rates to get the expected number of deaths
        • add the expected number of deaths together and divide the total observed deaths in study population by the expected deaths
          • this is known as the standardized mortality ratio (SMR)
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