Overview TypeExampleAssociated PathologyAcanthocyte (spur cell) Liver disease, abeta lipoproteinemiaBasophilic stippling Lead poisoningBite cell G6PD deficiencyElliptocyte Hereditary elliptocytosisMacro-ovalocyte Megaloblastic anemia, marrow failureRinged sideroblasts Sideroblastic anemiaSchistocyte, helmet cell DIC, TTP/HUS, traumatic hemolysisSchizont MalariaSickle cell Sickle cell anemiaSpherocyte Hereditary spherocytosis, autoimmune hemolysisTeardrop cellA result of mechanical damage when RBC squeezes through fibrosis to exit bone marrowTarget cell Asplenia, liver disease, thalassemia, HbC diseaseHeinz bodiesDue to oxidation of hemoglobin sulfahydryl groups to disulfide bonds resulting in hemoglobin precipitationSplenic macrophages remove precipitated hemoglobin resulting in bite cellsAssociated with G6PDHowell-Jolly bodies Basophilic nuclear remnants found in RBCs associated with functional hyposplenia or asplenia