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Review Question - QID 212598

QID 212598 (Type "212598" in App Search)
A 27-year-old woman presents to the emergency department for fever and generalized malaise. Her symptoms began approximately 3 days ago, when she noticed pain with urination and mild blood in her urine. Earlier this morning she experienced chills, flank pain, and mild nausea. Approximately 1 month ago she had the "flu" that was rhinovirus positive and was treated with supportive management. She has a past medical history of asthma. She is currently sexually active and uses contraception inconsistently. She occasionally drinks alcohol and denies illicit drug use. Family history is significant for her mother having systemic lupus erythematosus. Her temperature is 101°F (38.3°C), blood pressure is 125/87 mmHg, pulse is 101/min, and respirations are 18/min. On physical examination, she appears uncomfortable. There is left-sided flank, suprapubic, and costovertebral angle tenderness. Urine studies are obtained and a urinalysis is demonstrated below:

Color: Amber
pH: 6.8
Leukocyte: Positive
Protein: Trace
Glucose: Negative
Ketones: Negative
Blood: Positive
Nitrite: Positive
Leukocyte esterase: Positive
Specific gravity: 1.015

If a renal biopsy is performed in this patient, which of the following would most likely be found on pathology?

Diffuse capillary and glomerular basement membrane thickening



Focal and segmental sclerosis of the glomeruli and mesangium



Mesangial proliferation



Normal appearing glomeruli



Suppurative inflammation with interstitial neutrophilic infiltration



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This patient's dysuria, flank pain, and costovertebral angle tenderness are highly concerning for pyelonephritis. Histology would demonstrate suppurative inflammation with interstitial neutrophilic infiltration.

Pyelonephritis describes an infection involving the kidneys/upper urinary tract. Pyelonephritis results from the ascension of the pathogen from the vaginal introitus or urethral meatus to the bladder and then to the kidneys/upper urinary tract. When the kidneys become infected with a uropathogen, neutrophils migrate into the interstitium and tubular lumina, resulting in necrosis and abscess formation. The infected kidneys/upper urinary tract leads to systemic symptoms of fever and nausea and results in flank pain and costovertebral angle tenderness.

Incorrect Answers:
Answer 1: Diffuse capillary and glomerular basement membrane thickening are seen in membranous nephropathy. This condition results in a nephrotic syndrome, which this patient does not have based on the absence of protein in her urinalysis.

Answer 2: Focal and segmental sclerosis of the glomeruli and mesangium describes focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. This nephrotic syndrome (which this patient does not have) can be seen in African Americans and Hispanics and is associated with HIV infection, sickle cell disease, heroin use, and obesity.

Answer 3: Mesangial proliferation is seen in IgA nephropathy, which is characterized by a hematuria that often occurs at the same time as an upper respiratory tract infection. This patient has a remote history of a rhinovirus infection. This patient also does not have proteinuria.

Answer 4: Normal appearing glomeruli is seen in minimal change disease which is more likely to be seen in children and would present with proteinuria.

Bullet Summary:
Histological findings seen in pyelonephritis include suppurative inflammation with interstitial neutrophilic infiltration.

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