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Review Question - QID 106375

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QID 106375 (Type "106375" in App Search)
A 45-year-old man presents to his primary care provider for his yearly physical. On exam, the physician discovers a hard, testicular mass on the right testis. On further questioning, the patient remarks that he first noticed it 6 months ago, but did not think he needed to have it examined since it wasn't painful. Transillumination of the scrotum does not reveal translucency. The ultrasound of his right testis is shown in Figure A. Blood work reveals normal AFP and Beta-hCG. Chest radiograph and CT scan do not show positive lymph nodes or distant metastases. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step?
  • A




Radical orchiectomy






Three month re-imaging



No further workup, instruct patient to return if symptomatic



  • A

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The patient’s presentation and workup is consistent with testicular cancer, despite the normal blood work. All testicular cancers should undergo radical orchiectomy.

Testicular cancer is the most common malignancy in males of age 15-35, the vast majority of which are germ cell tumors. They typically present as a non-acute, painless testicular mass, although some patients do report discomfort. Other manifestations may include gynecomastia, paraneoplastic hyperthyroidism, and paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis. Workup of a hard testicular mass includes ultrasound, serum tumor markers, and CT scan. Once diagnosed, the first step is radical inguinal orchiectomy with possible retroperitoneal lymph node dissection to evaluate for metastases. Following surgery and staging, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or active surveillance are all viable options. Overall survival rates for testicular cancer are quite high.

Tiemstra and Kapoor discuss the evaluation of scrotal masses, and present an algorithm (Illustration A) for appropriate diagnosis. They emphasize a complete understanding of the anatomy and being able to identify the source of the pathology. Doppler ultrasonography is also mentioned as an important diagnostic tool in the evaluation of testicular pathology.

Groll et al. performed a literature review on the role of testicular germ cell tumor surveillance following surgery as opposed to adjuvant therapies. Because the outcomes for early stage testicular cancer are so good, they take into consideration other factors such as quality of life, impact on sex and fertility, and compliance. They conclude that surveillance is a preferred approach in stage I seminoma and non-seminomatous germ cell tumors, although they recommend that further research is conducted to explore other psychosocial aspects of post-surgical management.

Figure A is an ultrasound of the right testis revealing a well-defined hypoechoic lesion without cystic areas.
Illustration A is an algorithm for diagnosing scrotal masses.

Incorrect answers:
Answer 1: Biopsy is very rarely indicated in testicular cancer.
Answer 3: Chemotherapy is generally used as an adjuvant therapy following radical orchiectomy.
Answer 4: This presentation is consistent with testicular cancer. Delay in surgery would not be appropriate.
Answer 5: Testicular cancer is often painless, and requires treatment.

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