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Review Question - QID 100626

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QID 100626 (Type "100626" in App Search)
A 58-year-old Caucasian male is being treated for atrial fibrillation and angina complains of dyspnea on exertion. On exam, his heart rate 104-115/min and irregularly irregular at rest. He has no chest pain. You believe his rate control for atrial fibrillation is suboptimal and the likely cause of his dyspnea. You are considering adding verapamil to his current metoprolol for additional rate control of his atrial fibrillation. Which of the following side effects should you be most concerned about with this additional medication?




Shortening of action potential length at the AV node









Torsades de pointes



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Verapamil is a calcium channel blocker used to treat hypertension, angina, and arrhythmia. When used with beta-blockers such as metoprolol, dangerous hypotension and bradycardia can result due to the additive negative chronotropic effects of the two drugs.

Verapamil alleviates angina by decreasing vascular smooth muscle contractility (via inhibition of L-type calcium channels), thereby lowering afterload and lowering myocardial oxygen demand. Verapamil also inhibits L-type calcium channels at the AV node, decreasing conduction velocity and providing effective treatment for arrhythmias. Side effects of verapamil include constipation, flushing, and edema.

Illustration A demonstrates the molecular mechanism of calcium in muscle contraction.

Incorrect answers:
Answer 1: Verapamil causes constipation, not diarrhea.
Answer 2: Verapamil does not affect AP duration, as AP length is K+ dependent, not Ca2+ dependent.
Answer 3: Verapamil causes bradycardia, not tachycardia.
Answer 5: Verapamil can be used to treat or perhaps prevent Torsades de pointes in those at risk, it has not been implicated in causing it.

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