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Review Question - QID 100543

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QID 100543 (Type "100543" in App Search)
Paramedics respond to a call regarding an 18-year-old male with severe sudden-onset heart palpitations. The patient reports symptoms of chest pain, fatigue, and dizziness. Upon examination, his heart rate is 175/min and regular. His blood pressure is 110/75 mm Hg. Gentle massage below the level of the left mandible elicits an immediate improvement in the patient, as his heart rate returns to 70/min. What was the mechanism of action of this maneuver?

Increasing the refractory period in ventricular myocytes



Increasing sympathetic tone in systemic arteries



Decreasing the length of phase 4 of the SA node myocytes



Slowing conduction in the AV node



Decreasing the firing rate of carotid baroreceptors



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This patient has paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT), for which he is treated with carotid massage, which stimulates baroreceptors of the carotid body to increase parasympathetic tone and decrease sympathetic tone, lengthening AV nodal refractory period.

PSVT is characterized by its sudden onset and termination, atrial rates between 140 and 250 bpm, and a narrow QRS complex. The mechanism is most often re-entry through the AV node, atrium or accessory pathways. Acute treatment of PSVT is aimed at terminating re-entry by slowing conduction through the AV node. This can be accomplished by increasing vagal tone (carotid massage/valsalva) or by using intravenous adenosine which also impairs AV nodal conduction. Carotid massage mimics increased pressure in the carotid baroreceptors which increases signaling to the central nervous system and induces a parasympathetic response which results in slowed AV node conduction, among other effects.

Illustration A shows what a typical EKG of someone in PSVT would look like.

Incorrect Answers:
Answer 1: The refractory period of ventricular myocytes does not change under the influence of sympathetic/parasympathetic discharge.
Answer 2: Carotid massage decreases stimulation by the sympathetic nervous system and therefore has a vasodilatory effect on systemic arteries.
Answer 3: Decreased sympathetic and increased parasympathetic discharge slows heart rate and therefore serves to prolong the length of phase 4 in the SA node myocytes.
Answer 5: Carotid massage mimics an increase in pressure in the carotid artery which is sensed by baroreceptors. This increases discharge from these receptors stimulating an increase in parasympathetic tone and a decrease in sympathetic tone.

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