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Review Question - QID 100025

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QID 100025 (Type "100025" in App Search)
A 45-year-old woman presents to her primary care physician with complaints of muscle pains, poor sleep, and daytime fatigue. When asked about stressors she states that she "panics" about her job, marriage, children, and finances. When asked to clarify what the "panics" entail, she states that it involves severe worrying. She has had these symptoms since she last saw you one year ago. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Generalized anxiety disorder



Social phobia



Adjustment disorder



Panic disorder



Obsessive-compulsive disorder



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The patient in this vignette most likely has generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), defined by anxiety over 6 months not due to a specific situation or stressor.

Symptoms of GAD included sleep disturbance, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, autonomic hyperactivity, motor excitation, being jumpy or fidgety, and constant surveillance or vigilance. This condition can be debilitating without proper treatment.

Incorrect Answers:
Answer 2: Social phobia is the exaggerated fear of embarrassment/shame in social situations that interferes with normal function.
Answer 3: Adjustment disorder lasts less than 6 months and is due to an identifiable psychosocial trauma.
Answer 4: Panic disorder is the presence of 3 panic attacks in 3 weeks and characterized by the persistent fear of having another attack, which may precipitate the attack.
Answer 5: Obsessive compulsive disorder involves recurring, intrusive thoughts that cause severe distress and impairment (obsessions) resulting in the performance of repetitive actions to shield person from obsessions (compulsions).

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