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Review Question - QID 100007

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QID 100007 (Type "100007" in App Search)
A 42-year-old male presents to your office with cellulitis on his leg secondary to a dog bite. You suspect that the causative agent is a small, facultatively anaerobic, Gram-negative rod sensitive to penicillin with clavulanate. When you ask the patient how the bite occurred, the patient explains that he had a fight with his wife earlier in the day. Frustrated with his wife, he yelled at the family pet, who bit him on the leg. Which of the following defense mechanisms was this patient employing at the time of his injury?




Reaction formation












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Displacement is the redirection of emotion toward a neutral 3rd party in which the 3rd party is a more acceptable, but still inappropriate, target. In this example, the patient DISPLACES his anger onto his dog rather than yelling at his wife.

Note that displacement is an immature defense mechanism. Unfortunately for the patient, his actions resulted in infection with Pasteurella multocida, which colonizes the mouths of cats, dogs, and other animals.

Green et al. address the physician's role in managing grief. They report that normal grief has well-defined stages, which also pathological grief reactions to be diagnosed and treated appropriately. Patients will often present with defense mechanisms that physicians should be aware of.

Incorrect answers:
Answer 1: Projection is attributing unacceptable internal feelings to an external source. For example, a patient who has amorous feelings toward her psychiatrist who then accuses the psychiatrist of making sexual advances toward the patient when this has not happened.
Answer 2: Reaction formation is replacing an unwanted idea or feeling with its opposite. For example, a homosexual male expresses extreme homophobia to his peers.
Answer 3: Regression is reversion to more childlike behavior. For example, when a 10-year-old child begins sucking his or her thumb following a family tragedy.
Answer 4: Repression is involuntarily pushing bad thoughts into the unconscious. For example, a 35-year-old female who was sexually abused by her guardian has no conscious recollection of these events to the point of denying that they ever might have happened.

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