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Updated: May 4 2017

Gene Mapping

  • Linkage Analysis
    • Principles
      • linkage
        • the rate of cosegregation of two syntenic alleles (alleles appearing on the same chromosome) is inversely proportional to the distance between the alleles
          • i.e. genes that are physically close on a chromosome will be inherited together more often
          • genes that are physically far apart will be inherited together less often
      • linkage group
        • set of genes at different loci on the same chromosome that tend to act as a single set of genes in meiosis rather than undergoing independent assortment
          • an exception is if crossing over occurs
      • linkage analysis
        • using a pedigree to determine the location of an allele based on the rate of cosegregation with other alleles of known location (genetic markers)
        • can be used to track disease-causing mutation
          • linkage analysis can localize a gene responsible for a trait when the sequence is unknown
      • centi-Morgan (cM):
        • a unit used to measure genetic linkage
        • a length of DNA over which the frequency of homologous recombination is 1%
          • 1% chance that a marker on a chromosome will become separated from a second marker on the same chromosome due to crossing over
          • two loci that are 1 centimorgan apart will experience recombination between these two loci in 1% of meiosis.
      • parental gamete
        • the portion of chromosome looks the same as that of one of the parents
        • no recombination
      • nonparental gamete
        • homologous recombination has occurred in the region of interest
      • linkage disequilibrium
        • when alleles occur together more often than can be accounted for by chance
          • indication that 2 alleles are physically close together
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