• Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and chronic renal failure (CRF) are common medical conditions in older men. Based on the low prevalence of CRF in clinical trials recent American Urological Association guidelines have not recommended routine serum creatinine screening in men presenting with lower urinary tract symptoms. However, chronic renal failure is a well described complication of obstructive BPH.
    • A structured MEDLINE review of the literature on the association between BPH and CRF from 1966 to 2003 was performed.
    • Most studies were referral based and did not represent the full spectrum of BPH in men. The definition of renal failure varied from a serum creatinine cutoff of 1.5 to 3.0 mg/dl. Differentiating acute and chronic renal failure, and acute and chronic urinary retention was often not done. Various combinations of chronic retention with large residual urine volumes (greater than 300 ml), detrusor instability and decreased bladder compliance were associated with chronic renal failure. Ureterovesicular junction obstruction from bladder remodeling in chronic urinary retention was the most commonly proposed mechanism for CRF. However, episodic acute urinary retention, urinary tract infections and secondary hypertension may also have a role. Studies showed significant improvement in renal function after prostate surgery but the acuity of renal failure was generally not known.
    • The extent of the association between BPH and CRF is unknown and more community based, observational studies are needed. However, an association exists and it should be considered in men presenting with obstructive BPH or CRF.