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Review Question - QID 214633

QID 214633 (Type "214633" in App Search)
A researcher is studying how the blood levels of an industrial pollutant differ in children who grow up in urban versus rural environments. She decides that she will test only 6-year-old children during their annual exam in order to get as homogenous a study population as possible. She tests blood samples from 1000 children in urban environments and 1000 children in rural environments. She finds that the blood level of pollutant follows a normal distribution, and the following are the summary statistics from the study:

Urban environment:
Mean: 100 parts per million
Interquartile range: 50 parts per million
Standard deviation: 25 parts per million

Rural environment:
Mean: 50 parts per million
Interquartile range: 28 parts per million
Standard deviation: 41 parts per million

Which of the following best represents the percentage of children from urban environments who have a higher blood pollutant level than the average child from a rural environment?
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