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Review Question - QID 214435

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QID 214435 (Type "214435" in App Search)
A 36-year-old African American man presents to the emergency department with his wife because she is concerned about his mood. She says that he he has a history of depression, and he has seemed very distant since losing his job 1 month ago. She became extremely concerned after he casually remarked today that he would be better off dead, thus prompting her to bring him to the hospital for evaluation. On presentation, he is found to be somewhat disheveled with a flat affect. His past medical history is significant for mild hypertension and diabetes for which he takes lisinopril and metformin. Which of the following aspects is a risk factor for successful suicide completion in this patient?




Marital status



Prescription drugs









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This patient who presents with passive suicidal ideations is at greatest risk of suicide completion because of his sex, since men are far more likely to succeed at committing suicide than women even though women attempt suicide more often.

Evaluation of suicide risk is an important part of psychiatric emergency care, and all patients who express suicidal ideations should be assessed for the presence of a plan, means, and intent to complete suicide. Risk factors for successful completion of suicide include male sex (men succeed more often and women attempt more often), age (teenagers and the elderly), race (white is far more likely than other races), depression, previous attempt (most predictive factor), organized plan, access to firearms, drugs (3 or more prescription drugs or any illicit drugs), medical illness, and lack of support network (divorced, widowed, or single, especially if no children). Patients who are at high risk of suicide are hospitalized involuntarily.

Incorrect Answers:
Answer 1: Age is not a risk factor for this patient because teenagers and the elderly are at the highest risk for successful completion of suicide.

Answer 2: Marital status is not a risk factor for this patient because single, divorced, and widowed patients are at highest risk for successful completion of suicide.

Answer 3: Prescription drugs do not count as a risk factor for this patient because he only has two medications and no illicit drug use. Furthermore, hypertension and diabetes are largely asymptomatic diseases in the early stage and do not cause significant physical suffering. Significant symptomatic medical illness would be a risk factor.

Answer 4: Race is not a risk factor for this patient because white individuals are at the highest risk for successful completion of suicide.

Bullet Summary:
Single white men who are unmarried and either younger than 20 or older than 65 are demographically at the highest risk of suicide completion.

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