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Review Question - QID 212621

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QID 212621 (Type "212621" in App Search)
A 71-year-old man from Puerto Rico presents to the emergency department with a 2-week history of abdominal pain. He does not speak much English so his family explains that he has been complaining of intermittent pain that is not associated with any particular actions. Furthermore, his family is concerned because he has been having weight loss and blood in his stool for 3 months. The physician explains that there is a concern for colon cancer and that a colonoscopy is required to evaluate his condition further. The family is afraid that the news will upset the patient so they ask that they be allowed to make healthcare decisions on the patient's behalf. They explain that this is the way that their culture handles medical decisions. What should the physician do in this situation?

Ask the family to translate the plan for the patient and ask for questions



Call for a Spanish-speaking interpreter to speak with the patient



Respect the family's cultural wishes and not discuss the plan with the patient



Speak directly with the patient in English to ascertain their wishes



Transfer the care of the patient over to a Spanish-speaking colleague



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This patient who does not speak English still has a right to know the diagnosis and participate in decision making with regards to their medical plan. The physician should therefore ask for an interpreter to speak with the patient.

Autonomy is one of the core principles within medical ethics. Respecting autonomy means that patients should be treated as individuals who have distinct preferences with regards to their medical care. These preferences should be honored and take priority when making medical decisions. If the patient is unable to express their preference, then durable power of attorney, living will, and next of kin should be consulted in that order. Notably, autonomy also means that all patients, regardless of age, should have the option of speaking to their physician alone. This option applies even if the patient is unable to speak English, in which case a translator should be called.

Incorrect Answers:
Answer 1: Ask the family to translate the plan for the patient and ask for questions is not correct because the patient should have the opportunity to express their preferences to the physician direction.

Answer 3: Respect the family's cultural wishes and not discuss the plan with the patient is incorrect because this course of action would violate the patient's rights to autonomy.

Answer 4: Speak directly with the patient in English to ascertain their wishes is incorrect because this patient has the right to communicate in a language that they understand fluently.

Answer 5: Transfer the care of the patient over to a Spanish-speaking colleague is incorrect because a physician should not abandon their duty to their patients except in extreme circumstances. In this case, a translator can easily remedy the communication barrier.

Bullet Summary:
Physicians should respect the autonomy of non-English speaking patients by discussing the medical plan through a translator.

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