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Review Question - QID 110034

QID 110034 (Type "110034" in App Search)
A rheumatologist is interested in studying the association between osteoporosis and the risk of sustaining a distal radius fracture. To explore this association, she develops a retrospective study design in which she identifies patients in a large institutional database over the age of 55 with and without osteoporosis, then follows them over a 10-year period to identify cases of distal radius fracture. She matches patients on age, sex, and body mass index to control for known confounding. After completing the study, she finds that patients with osteoporosis were at an increased risk of developing distal radius fractures. Which of the following study designs did this investigator use in this case?

Case-control study



Case series



Cohort study



Cross-sectional study



Ecological study



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The investigator in this vignette conducts a study comparing a group of patients with a possible risk factor to a separate group without that risk factor. This study design is consistent with a matched retrospective cohort study.

Cohort studies are a common type of observational study design used in clinical medicine. Cohort studies compare the incidence of an outcome in a group with a risk factor to the incidence of the same outcome in a group without that risk factor. In other words, cohort studies start with the risk factor and assess for the incidence of an outcome of interest in both groups. Cohort studies can be retrospective or prospective. Matching can also be used to control for known confounding by other covariates that may bias the findings if not appropriately accounted for using appropriate methods.

Incorrect Answers:
Answer 1: Case-control studies are another type of observational study design that compares the presence of a risk factor in a group of patients with an outcome to the presence of that same risk factor in a group of patients who did not experience that outcome. In contrast to cohort studies, case-control studies start with the outcome of interest and assess for the presence of a risk factor in cases (those with the outcome) and controls (those without the outcome).

Answer 2: Case series are another type of observational study design that reports the findings of a set of relatively homogenous patients. Case series should not identify associations between risk factors and outcomes; in other words, they are purely descriptive studies.

Answer 4: Cross-sectional studies are another type of observational study design that identifies risk factors and outcomes at the same time. Unlike cohort and case-control studies, there is no temporality in cross-sectional studies.

Answer 5: Ecological studies are another type of observational study design in which the unit of interest is a population or community, not an individual.

Bullet Summary:
Cohort studies compare groups of patients with and without a risk factor to identify differences in the incidence of an outcome in those two groups.

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