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Review Question - QID 109079

QID 109079 (Type "109079" in App Search)
A 16-year-old female is brought to the primary care clinic by her mother. The mother is concerned about her daughter’s grades, which have been recently slipping. Per the mother, the patient usually earns a mix of As and Bs in her classes, but this past semester she has been getting Cs and a few Ds. Her mother is also frustrated because she feels like her daughter is acting out more and “hanging out with some no-good friends.” Upon questioning the patient with her mother in the room, the patient does not say much and makes no eye contact. The mother is asked to leave the room and the patient is questioned again about any stressors. After rapport is established, the patient breaks down and tearfully admits to trying various drugs in order to “fit in with her friends.” She says that she knows the drugs “are not good for me” but has been very stressed out about telling her friends she’s not interested. Detailed questioning reveals that the patient has been using alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana 2-3 times per week. The patient becomes agitated at the end of the interview and pleads for you to not tell her mother. She says that she knows they’re illegal but is very afraid of what her parents would say. What is the best action in response to the adolescent’s request?

Apologize and say that you must inform her mother because the use of these drugs is illegal



Apologize and say that you must inform legal authorities because the use of these drugs is illegal



Apologize and say that you must inform her mother because these drugs pose a danger to her health



Agree to the patient’s request and do not inform the patient’s mother



Reassure the patient that there is confidentiality in this situation but encourage her to tell her mother



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The Tarasoff decision states that physicians must respect patient privacy except in situations of suspected abuse, reportable diseases (like TB), and immediate and serious harm to others or the patient. In this case none of these criteria are met and the patient should be reassured of confidentiality but should also be encouraged to seek support from her family.

When treating adolescents such as this patient, providers must be sensitive to the need for the patient’s autonomy and independence and any requests to keep information confidential. The Tarasoff decision legally codifies the situations under which confidentiality may be broken. The situation in the question does not meet any of these criteria. While the use of illicit drugs is illegal and using illicit drugs may be dangerous to her health, the use of drugs does not pose an immediate and serious threat to the patient or to others.

Incorrect Answers:
Answer 1: Illegality is not one of the situations that requires breaking confidentiality. The patient’s desire for confidentiality should be respected.

Answer 2: The patient is not at risk of seriously harming herself or others, and so informing the legal authorities is not appropriate.

Answer 3: While using illicit substances can be hazardous to one’s health, the patient is not posing a serious and immediate risk to herself or others. Examples of situations that would require the breaking of confidentiality are if a patient is at risk of committing suicide or homicide.

Answer 4: While the doctor should not inform the patient’s mother, this is not the best response. The best response would also reassure the adolescent of confidentiality to help improve the therapeutic relationship and encourage her to tell her mother herself and gain support from trusted adults.

Bullet Summary:
When treating adolescents, confidentiality should be reiterated to build a therapeutic alliance.

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